Registered Agent & Filing Services
Registered Agent Service
Every business in the US is required to have an address in their state of registration where someone is available during posted business to receive service official, legal, and government correspondence.
With our registered agent service you can rest assured that any essential notifications will be delivered to you promptly. We also keep you current on state compliance deadlines, such as when to file your business' annual report, so you can trust your business remains in good standing.
Foreign Qualifications & Re-Domestications
If your company is expanding and looking for new opportunities, EasyBizStart can help your company qualify to do business in another state.
Is your business bombarded by high state fees and taxes every year?
Through a process known as re-domestication, your business can enjoy the financial benefits of a new state without the hassle of having to physically move assets or start a new business from scratch.
Dissolutions - Closing Your Business
Have you decided to close down your business. We can make sure it is done correctly by handling the dissolution process with your state.
Have EasyBizStart file your company dissolution so you can leave a clean paper trail and obtain an official record of closure for your business.
Would you like more information on anything you read above? We're happy to provide you with details - whether you've purchased or not. Click below to send us a message, and we'll follow up.